The Art of Journalling eBook

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Journalling saved my life

Journaling has saved my life. From time to time I look over my journals and they deeply encourage me as they remind me of the journey that I’ve been on. My surname “Azubuike” means the past is your strength. When I read through the pages of my life I’m provided with strength and perspective. The late literary giant Maya Angelou says: You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been. I credit my practice of journaling with the basis of understanding more about myself, my childhood and how my experiences through the years have helped, impacted, and informed my decisions, attitude and overall character.

Sunsets in Shanghai

One of my favourite moments of journaling came when I visited a friend who was living in Shanghai at the time. On one of the days of my visit, we took a train an hour out of Shanghai to Hangzhou. We spent that day hiking up rice fields - the views were breathtaking. I still recall meeting some of the friendliest people in my life as we journeyed through those rice fields and said hello to people working and going about their day. As the day was coming to a close we had a few hours before our train back to Shanghai. We decided to stop off at the Hangzhou West Lake nearby and I remember sitting on a bench overlooking the lake watching a beautiful sunset and journaling about the last few hours. I took a picture and it is still one of my best journaling experiences.